I've uploaded a new site design, as some might have known via Twitter. You can see the new site design at http://www.nathanallenpinard.com.
What's new is I've started a blog system, which logs all the activity on what projects I'm working on. Since Oxhorn's Xmas CD is the priority, you can check out what's going on with that CD here. Any other projects will be documented. Information given will be based on any NDA's, or agreements signed/agreed to.
Nathan Allen Pinard - Project Log
Note: You won't be finding any sneak peaks or anything of the sort. I simply describe what styles, techniques, software, etc I'm working with. I've done my best to not reveal much.
It's best to keep up with my entries via Twitter, so follow nathanpinard on Twitter.
Posted 2 minutes ago # Edit Delete
Dang your site is awesome! I really like your music too, great job man!